The Leadership Trust(r) Sponsors Triangle Society Human Resource Management Chapter Meeting

Released on: September 3, 2008, 8:25 am

Press Release Author: MMI ASSOCIATES, INC.

Industry: Human Resources

Press Release Summary: Executive Development And Consulting Firm Supports �Ethics In
Leadership� Program

Press Release Body: DURHAM, N.C. � Dr. Holly Latty-Mann, president and co-founder of
The Leadership Trust� (, an organization established to
build leaders from the inside out by offering tuition-guaranteed, personalized
leadership programs with emotional intelligence focus, has announced that the firm
is sponsoring the Triangle Society Human Resource Management�s (TSHRM) Chapter
meeting on Thursday, Sept. 25 from 11 a.m. � 1:15 p.m. at the Radisson Hotel,
located at 150 Park Drive in Research Triangle Park. Dr. Lloyd V. \"Vic\" Hackley,
president of Hackley & Associates of North Carolina, which focuses on ethics,
leadership, community and character development, will give a presentation titled
�Ethics in Leadership.� He is chancellor emeritus of Fayetteville State University
and former president of the North Carolina Community College System. Over the past
decade, Hackley has conducted or participated in thousands of workshops, seminars
and lectures throughout America related to ethics and character development.

For more information about the meeting or to register to attend, visit

Related Links:

News Facts:
� Dr. Holly Latty-Mann, president and co-founder of The Leadership Trust�
(, an organization established to build leaders from the
inside out by offering tuition-guaranteed, personalized leadership programs with
emotional intelligence focus, has announced that the firm is sponsoring the Triangle
Society Human Resource Management�s Chapter meeting on Thursday, Sept. 25 from 11
a.m. � 1:15 p.m. at the Radisson Hotel, located at 150 Park Drive in Research
Triangle Park.
� Dr. Lloyd V. \"Vic\" Hackley, president of Hackley & Associates of North Carolina,
which focuses on ethics, leadership, community and character development, will give
a presentation titled �Ethics in Leadership.�
� He is chancellor emeritus of Fayetteville State University and former president of
the North Carolina Community College System.
� Over the past decade, Hackley has conducted or participated in thousands of
workshops, seminars and lectures throughout America related to ethics and character
� For more information about the meeting or to register to attend, visit

�We are excited to sponsor TSHRM�s October meeting,� said Latty-Mann. �It is
imperative that leaders understand the corporate advantages of acting ethically and
that the actions they take now have far-reaching effects well beyond the impact on
the culture of their companies.�

About The Leadership Trust�:
The Leadership Trust� builds leaders from the inside out by offering
tuition-guaranteed, personalized leadership development programs with emotional
intelligence focus, on-site organizational talent development programs and
executive/life skills coaching. Through substantial one-on-one attention, these
personalized programs positively impact one�s relationships both at work and at
home, thereby improving the company�s bottom line and relationships at home. With
a history of alliances with the Duke Fuqua School of Business (Coach K Center for
Leadership and Ethics) and Wake Forest Babcock Graduate School of Management, The
Leadership Trust� is the expert in bridging theory with practicality and encourages
their participants to have high expectations of their program takeaways.
Individualized workshops provide powerful tools to address each participant�s needs
and goals, and a post-workshop accountability process, when coupled with their
personalized action plans, offers the blueprint for permanent, positive change. Dr.
Holly Latty-Mann, who co-founded The Leadership Trust� with the late Dr. James (Jim)
Farr in 1995, is an expert in leadership training, self-awareness training and
interpersonal relationship dynamics. For more information about The Leadership
Trust� workshops and consulting services, please visit or
call (919) 484-0999.

The Leadership Trust�, Holly Latty-Mann, leadership, personalized leadership
development programs, Jim Farr, leadership training, self-awareness training,
emotional intelligence training, on-site organizational talent development programs,
executive/life skills coaching, emotional intelligence, Triangle Society Human
Resource Management, TSHRM, Dr. Lloyd V. \"Vic\" Hackley, Ethics in Leadership,
Ethics, Fayetteville State University, North Carolina Community College System,
Hackley & Associates of North Carolina

Patty Briguglio
MMI Associates, Inc.
(919) 233-6600
PR Firms Raleigh, NC



Contact Details: Patty Briguglio
MMI Associates, Inc.
(919) 233-6600
PR Firms Raleigh, NC

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